Monday, April 12, 2010


Dream Girl! Kirsten, the recently retired American Girl Doll- lay on the shelves of DI (goodwill) for just $1.oo!! I couldn't believe my eyes! I had tried ordering her for myself in December, and she was sold-out! She is going for crazy amounts right now. I wish I hadn't waited to buy her until December- and then fate crossed our paths- it was meant to be. When S got home from school- she squeaked with delight- "Who got Kirsten?!?!?" I told her how she was just laying there, so sad, neglected. You see, we believe these dolls have spirits- so they are treated like people in our home. We quickly took off her "mint-condition clothes" -washed them, and then began washing her. My favorite part was S saying "Oh, mom! Its like having a new baby!" (by now I think you get the picture that we are a little crazy. She washed up well- and she joined her sisters downstairs- of course she had to be changed into some clothes that Mimi made.

I added this post for good-will hunting. I wish I had more time- because that is what the pros say. If you want awesome deals- you have to shop these places often- ya, we're speaking weekly.

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